It’s a Gas

Can’t dislodge the remaining “loyalists” in Serte?


If they are occupying such a small area, then why not  use CS gas or something stronger – ideally delivered by Apache helicopters?


Hail the conquering hero comes

Gaddafi battles for Sirte  – I don’t think!

As the front advanced, reporters were shown evidence of the execution of captured revolutionary fighters by retreating loyalists. The several-days-old bodies of thirty males, some just boys, bound and shot, were found across three locations


Murdering Monster!

Tell me please:]

How could anyone “love” a murdering monster?

And about time too!

Libyan wounded to be treated in Britain………

Snuff out snipers

Pro-gaddafi forces are allegedly causing great harm with the use of rooftop snipers particularly in Serte

Great targets for the Apache helicopters?



According to Freedom TV based in Misrata city reported on Thursday that Moussa Ibrahim, spokesman of Muammar Gaddafi, has been arrested near Sirte.

How fitting that he was disguised as a womam.

Let him rot

He has blood on his hands and he told a thousand lies for Gaddafi!

Should be put on trial in the Hague!!!!

Ibrahim was arrested by fighters of the ruling National Transitional Council (NTC) on Wednesday night near Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte, Freedom TV added.


Anyone left with a good word for the Colonel now?

Let’s get him caught and shppped straight off to the Hague

Libyans were not surprised when a mass grave containing 1,200 bodies was reported found near the notorious Abu Salim prison in Tripoli. According to human rights groups, 2,000 inmates were killed there during a massacre in 1996. The massacre has often been blamed on Abdullah Senussi, Gaddafi’s veteran intelligence chief, who is also wanted on charges of crimes against humanity by the international criminal court.


A tip!

Find him………………..

And you’ll him:

Probably with his tongue up the Colonel’s arse!

The Invisible man

Syrian TV – another bunch of lying toerags – last broadcast a message by Gaddafi, who has not been seen in public for months, at the start of September when he urged followers to “keep fighting” and promised to turn Libya “into a hell”.

In a new message yesterday, Gaddafi denied reports that he had fled to Niger

This is truly the Invisible Man!

If he’s still alive, he must be reveling in the amount of publicity his whereabouts are attracting.

promised that he would be victorious.

He was just playing for time

Gaddafi spokesman Moussa Ibrahim dismissed the NTC as an unlawful group and said Gaddafi’s son Saadi was willing to negotiate and form a transitional government in coordination with the r
ebels — something opposition leaders have made clear is unacceptable to them.

“No dignified, honorable nation would accept an ultimatum from armed gangs,” Ibrahim said in a phone interview with the Associated Press.


Forces loyal to embattled Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi killed more than 150 prisoners in a “mass murder” as they fled the rebel takeover of Tripoli, a rebel military chief told AFP on Friday,

“There were instances of revenge in the last few hours before the fall of the regime,” said Abdel Nagib Mlegta, head of operations for the takeover of the capital.

“In Bab al-Aziziya there was a mass murder. They killed more than 150 prisoners. The guards did it before running away. They threw hand grenades at them,” he said, referring to Qaddafi’s fortified headquarters

to negotiate the terms of his surrender. Belhaj said Saadi first called him Tuesday, asked whether his safety could be guaranteed and was told he would be treated huma

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